In Memory of






Bibber Memorial Chapel
We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family.
2017-10-10 12:54:37
A memory that always makes me smile, Lynda
During the past several years almost every time I visited I would make chocolate chip cookies for Ali, Randy, Andrew and Maddie to be shared with Barb and Dick when they were all at their house in Kennebunk. I would come in with a plate heaped with freshly baked cookies. If Barb was in the kitchen she stopped whatever she was doing, said "Hi, Lynda. Oh. Cookies !" and immediately snatched one off the plate sometimes before anyone else even knew I was there. Drew and Maddie and Ali would join us in the kitchen. The kids were allowed one cookie each. Barb would chat and munch down two more. Later while we were in the living room catching up on this and that and being entertained by the kids Barb would disappear into the kitchen for another cookie. Without fail later the next day I would always hear from Allison, "Thank you for the cookies. They are all gone. I had one, Maddie and Drew had another one, Randy and Dad had a couple and Mom ate a all the rest." Barb always, always ate all the rest of the cookies. A special memory that always makes me smile and chuckle.
2017-10-14 21:36:43
Bethany Bryan
I know Barb will always be watching over you, especially at camp. Remember all the happy times you've all shared there.
2017-10-12 23:47:35
Love Dee
Remembering the day you taught me how to whistle with a blade of grass outside of Halladay's Florist, moving the dust mop from one place to another (we never did fool Mom you know), doing the dinner dishes (you never did let me wash) and remembering our last talk...I promise Mom will get a couch...soon.
2017-10-11 05:03:21